
ASP.NET Core on .NET

ServiceComposer leverages the Endpoints support to plugin into the request handling pipeline. ServiceComposer can be added to existing or new ASP.NET Core projects, or it can be hosted in .NET console applications.

Supported .NET versions

ServiceComposer targets .NET 8.

Note about thread safety

If resources are shared across more than one handler they must be thread-safe.

Upgrade guides

Upgrade guides are available to ease the migration from one version to another.

ASP.Net Model Binding

When handling composition requests it possible to leverage the power of ASP.Net Model Binding to bind incoming forms, bodies, query string parameters, or route data to strongly typed C# models. For more information on model binding refer to the Model Binding section.

ASP.Net MVC Action results

MVC Action results support allow composition handlers to set custom response results for specific scenarios, like for example, handling bad requests or validation error thoat would nornmally require throwing an exception. For more information on action results refer to the MVC Action results section.

Authentication and Authorization

By virtue of leveraging ASP.NET Core 3.x Endpoints ServiceComposer automatically supports authentication and authorization metadata attributes to express authentication and authorization requirements on routes. For more information refer to the Authentication and Authorization section


By default ServiceComposer serializes responses using the Newtonsoft JSON serializer. The built-in serialization support can be configured to seriazlie responses using a camel case or pascal case approach on a per request basis by adding to the request an Accept-Casing custom HTTP header. For more information refer to the response serialization casing section. Or it’s possible to take full control over the response serialization settings on a case-by-case by suppliying at configuration time a customization function.

Starting with version 1.9.0, regular MVC Output Formatters can be used to serialize the response model, and honor the Accept HTTP header set by clients. When using output formatters the serialization casing is controlled by the formatter configuration and not by ServiceComposer. For more information on using output formatters refers to the output formatters serialization section.

Customizing ViewModel Composition options from dependent assemblies

It’s possible to access and customize ViewModel Composition options at application start-up by defining types implmenting the IViewModelCompositionOptionsCustomization interface.